
Dr. Alanah Mitchell is the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Aliber Distinguished Professor of Information Systems in the Zimpleman College of Business at Drake University. Prior to joining Drake, Alanah was a faculty member at Appalachian State University. Her Ph.D. is in Information Technology from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She hold a master's degree in E-Commerce from Creighton University and a bachelor's degree in both Computer Information Systems and Marketing from Simpson College.

Professor Mitchell is actively involved in the information systems and technology research community having published over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Her research focuses on the design, implementation, and use of information and communication technologies for collaboration, specifically in global virtual teams. Additionally, Professor Mitchell researches in the areas of information technology management, e-commerce, and information systems pedagogy. She has published in such journals a AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, Business Horizons, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, Electronic Markets, Information Technology and People, IT Professional, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and Organizational Dynamics as well as others. Alanah is a Distinguished Member - Cum Laude of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) as well as a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Professor Mitchell enjoys teaching and has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses in the foundations of information systems, information technology management and strategy, global information systems, database management, business analytics, systems analysis and design, web development, and IT innovation and emerging technologies. Alanah's research and teaching experience also extends to executive education as well as speaking and other consulting projects. Professor Mitchell’s consulting clients have included General Mills, Hayneedle, Holmes Murphy, Principal Financial Group, Transportation Insight, U.S. Strategic Command Center, among others.

Alanah is active in a number of academic leadership and service activities. Alanah has served in professional organization leadership roles, including serving as the President for the AIS Special Interest Group on IT Project Management from 2013-2016 and the President of the Midwest Association for Information Systems (MWAIS) from 2022-2023. Her conference leadership positions include serving as a Program Co-Chair for AMCIS 2016 in San Diego, CA, Program Co-Chair for MWAIS 2020 in Des Moines, IA, and Program Co-Chair for AMCIS 2023 in Panama City, Panama. Alanah also served as the Associate Vice President of Conference Management Systems for AMCIS from 2018-2020. In recognition for her leadership and service, Alanah has recieved the AIS Saundra Slaughter Service Award (2019), the Drake CBPA Blue Star Award for Leadership (2020), the AIS SIG ITProjMgmt Leadership Excellence Award (2021), and the AMCIS Outstanding Conference Service Leadership Award (2022).

Prior to Dr. Mitchell's academic career, she worked as a web developer for Hayneedle. She also worked in the IT department at Vermeer Manufacturing.

Personally, Alanah enjoys spending time with her husband and children. She also enjoys traveling, reading, and being outdoors.

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